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This is how membership of the Folkington's Climate Partnership works. If you have any questions please email:


1.1 To join as a member please enter all your contact and address details on our website at
1.2 Please enter in the details of the name of the wholesaler(s) who supply Folkington’s to your site. Your wholesaler will need to have already registered as a WHOLESALER member ("participating wholesaler") for you to receive any of the benefits of your membership. This is because it is your wholesaler who will supply us with details of your sites’ annual purchases.
1.3 If your site is part of a group, please register each site as a member, and then add the group name and indicate if you wish any future rebates to be paid to the group.
1.3 Membership is FREE and will last 12 months from the date you join. After that it will automatically renew on every 12-month anniversary unless we write to you to cancel.
1.4 In order to finish your membership application you will be asked to add a password to create an account on our website. This is where you will be able to login and see your account details.



    2.1 Each site that registers will receive point of sale that shares with your customers that you are now working with Folkington’s to help reduce the impact of your carbon footprint.


    2.2 At the end of every 12-month period, you’ll get a rebate from us based on how much Folkington’s each of your sites buy from them in that 12-month period. The rebate will be:
    £100 provided you have bought 200 or more cases in that 12 month period.
    *We reserve the right to change this amount of rebate at any time by email.
    2.3 If your site joins part way through a month, your first rebate for the site will be at the end of the first complete 12-month period and will be backdated to the first day of the month the site is registered - eg: If you join on the 25th January, all of your purchases from the 1st January to 31stJanuary in the following year to will count towards your rebate.
    2.4 To qualify for the rebates each 12-month period, each registered site needs to buy 200 or more cases of Folkington’s in that period.
    2.5 If your site has, say, two participating wholesalers, the purchases from both wholesalers will be added together to reach the 200 cases.
    2.6 If any site doesn’t buy more than 200 cases in any 12-month period, it won’t qualify for the rebate for that period.
    2.7 Once a 12-month period ends, a new 12-month period will start on the following day.

    2.8 Folkington’s will offset 2 Tonnes of each of your site's carbon emissions if the site buys a total of 200 cases of Folkington’s from its participating wholesalers in any 12-month period. 
    2.9 If any site buys more than 200 cases in a 12-month period, Folkington’s will offset a further 1 Tonne of carbon emission for every 100 cases bought in excess of the initial 200 cases.
    2.10 We’ll send you confirmation of this each time we offset your emissions with a bespoke certificate to display at the site, so you can share this with your customers / guests.

    3. HELP

      3.1 If you need help completing your membership application online, just pick up the phone (01323 485602) or email:




        4.1    Register: You may register more than one site if it’s owned by, or operated by the same person, partnership or company.
        4.2    Closing:  If you close a site, it ceases trading, or you or the site enters into any form of insolvency proceedings, the site’s registration will automatically cease, and you won’t receive any further benefits from the site’s registration.
        4.3    Selling:  If you sell or transfer your business or the operation of the business of any site to another person, partnership or company, you can ask us to continue the benefits of your membership or site’s registration under the new owner/ operator, but they will then have to join as a member and re-register the site in their name. Any benefits of your membership will then pass to the new owner/ operator, including any rebates accrued in the current 12-month period.
        4.4    Starting:   Membership starts from the day you apply. If we decide to terminate the Folkington’s Climate Partnership we will let you know in advance. Any rebates due to you for the current 12-month period will be paid, pro rata.
        4.5    Leaving:  You may terminate your membership, or any site's registration at any time. You just need to inform us via email when you want to at:
        4.6    Expanding:    If you’ve only got one site, but later want to add more, you can simply add them at any time.
        4.7    12-month period: A 12-month period is the period starting at the date of registration and ending on the final day of the 12th complete month following registration. A 12-month period is also the 12-months immediately following a previous 12-month period.
        4.8     Amendments: We reserve the right to amend the terms of membership at any time by informing each member by email with a minimum of 30 days’ notice.
        4.9     Definitions: “You” and “Your” refer to you as a member. “Site” means the trading business and address that you register as a member. “Group” means a group more than one site under common ownership or more than one site under separate ownership but common management. “We” refers to Metro Drinks Limited, trading as Folkington’s, a company registered in Great Britain, number 03864219.

        5. REBATES

        5.1    Joining:  The Month in which you join is your Joining Month. Your first rebate will be paid after the end of the 12th month following your Joining Month.
        5.2    Starting:  Rebates will be calculated from the day your site is registered and will be based on each site’s purchases after that date (the site’s “qualifying purchases”). A qualifying purchase will be recorded by reference to the data supplied to us by your wholesaler(s). To calculate the rebate, any credits or refunds issued for Folkington's in 12-month period by your participating wholesaler(s), will be deducted from the total of your qualifying purchases (“net qualifying purchases”). Rebates will be paid to the member unless you it is part of a group and you have indicated that you wish them to be paid to the group.
        5.3    Volumes:  Your target of 200 cases will cover your site’s net qualifying purchases in both your Joining Month and the following 12 months. For example, if your site buys 16 cases in your Joining Month and then 190 cases in the following 12 months, your total cases will be 206 and you will qualify for the rebate at the end of the first 12-month period.
        5.4    Value:  We will advise you if you have qualified for the rebate as soon as possible after the end of each 12-month period, based on the information supplied to us by your participating wholesaler(s). We will aim to provide you with the information within 30 working days of our receiving the information.
        5.5    Receipt:  You will receive your rebate by bank transfer to your bank account by Folkington’s. VAT on your rebate may be added.

        6. CARBON OFFSET

        6.1   Timing:  Once your site's qualifying purchases have reached 200 cases, we will offset the impact of your carbon footprint within 60 days of the end of the 12-month period.
        6.2   Starting:  Your Joining Month and first 12 months will together be treated as being a 12-month period when you start. So, if your site joins in Month 1 (the Joining Month), it needs to buy 200 cases by the end of Month 13.

        7. YOUR CONSENT

        7.1   Consent:  During the membership application process, you will be asked to read the terms and click a box that is marked "I'm OK with how it works". This will confirm that you understand and accept how the Folkington's Climate Partnership works and that you also consent to Folkington's Drinks, Metro Drinks Limited (who operate the Folkington's Climate Partnership) Bold (who operate the membership software) and Shopify (who provide the website) to using data supplied by you, your sites and the participating wholesalers, for the purposes of managing the Folkington's Climate Partnership and for the supply of Folkington's products. You also consent to Folkington's and Metro Drinks Limited communicating with you and your sites by email, post and other digital methods.


        8.1   Privacy Policy:  Please click here to view our Privacy Policy